Fire Alarm Servicing Bradford
Looking for a fire alarm servicing company? Look no further! We are the locally-based experts who have been installing and maintaining systems since the eighties.
UK Fire Safety (RRO) Order requires you to have your system serviced. The number of service visits a year are dependent upon the size and location of your system. The minimum is two service visits a year but, for example, if your system was very large and or maybe the environment was not very clean (e.g. a foundry) then you would require more than two visits per year. However, for 90% of Bradford businesses two six-monthly visits would suffice.
Bradford Fire Alarms are BAFE Approved and NSI Fire Gold, all our surveyors and engineers are FIA trained ensuring your business would be safe, secure and legal.
Keep on the right side of fire safety legislation and have the peace-of-mind of knowing that your system will work should it ever be needed. UK law states that you must use a ‘competent’ provider and a third-party certification scheme such as BAFE is a good way to demonstrate competence. Don’t just assume an electrician holds the FIA training certification for servicing. Services should provide you with a service certificate not just an engineer’s worksheet docket.
We can design, install and maintain systems. We are happy to takeover existing alarms so if you need system servicing in Bradford then get an online FREE quote now!
Fire Alarm Servicing Bradford